Digital Banking revolutionizing the financial sector

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Digital Banking

Mais de 3,6 bilhões de pessoas serão clientes de Bancos Digitais em 2024

(Juniper Research)

Over the last decade, consumer behavior has changed a lot, with customers looking for simplified and instant access to banking functionality. Digital self-service via the web or mobile has become a priority compared to telephone service or visits to branches. The COVID-19 pandemic has only served to amplify these trends.

While digital channels are growing in popularity, intensifying the convergence of these channels becomes essential. This will allow customers to transact through their favorite channels, keeping the context of the interaction with their bank.

Today, a significant portion of customers have already installed at least one banking or finance application on their mobile device to carry out various transactions every day. At first, most of these users were members of the younger generations due to their confidence in the security of their data, however, more and more people of all generations are installing and using these apps. Right now, banking and finance apps are multigenerational and universally used.

The banking experience has been reimagined around customer goals. Self-service is the main focus, establishing intuitive functions so that customers can initiate transactions, make payments, make inquiries and edit their account registration in the app. Intelligent chatbot solutions are incorporated to better anticipate customer needs and solve issues without a human agent, thus saving costs.

As digital banks gain market share, this new digital banking landscape will see financial institutions reshape their businesses to meet the demands of the digital age.

Banks accumulate data in real time, a large number of interactions occur at all times. As a result, banks can develop more innovative ways to better serve their customers and empower customer service and commercial teams.

Banking institutions can use the data obtained and integrate with powerful data tools and guide their efforts to improve the quality of services, increase customer satisfaction and achieve the desired corporate results.

Provider IT can help banks transform the data assets, products of their relationships, into insights. With this, seek to anticipate the future needs of its customers and identify the best way to keep them satisfied. Additionally, banks can employ these ideas to customize products and services and increase engagement and business volume.

These insights can also help develop marketing and commercial actions through promotional alerts or advertisements in the digital ecosystem. It is possible to provide the various teams within the company with useful information in an appropriate context. Actionable intelligence can be provided to relationship managers to drive customer recommendations and improve customer relationships.

Consumer preferences are rapidly evolving. Equipped with new innovations and digital technologies, financial institutions can find new ways to deliver a positive customer experience. Provider IT has experience and can help your organization.

Customer oriented digital banking, Provider IT is the solution.

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